Super Easy Simple Syrup

Are you tired of store-bought sweeteners loaded with artificial additives? Look no further! In this blog post, we're diving into creating your very own simple syrup.

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Simple syrup might sound like a humble ingredient, but this versatile 2-ingredient concoction is a game-changer!

Whether you're enhancing desserts, crafting cocktails, or adding a touch of sweetness to a cup of tea, homemade simple syrup is here to elevate your creations.

Simple syrup recipe, recipe for simple syrup, old fashioned recipe, Homemade Sweetener, cake syrup, sugar syrup


  • 1 cup granulated sugar

  • 1 cup water

Equipment Needed:


How to Make Simple Syrup

  1. Combine: In a saucepan, combine the granulated sugar and water.

  2. Heat: Place the saucepan over medium heat and stir until the sugar is fully dissolved. This should take about 5 minutes. Do not let the mixture boil.

  3. Simmer: Once the sugar is dissolved, reduce the heat to low and let the mixture simmer for an additional 5 minutes. This helps create a smooth consistency.

  4. Cool: Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the syrup cool completely.

  5. Store: Transfer the cooled simple syrup into an airtight container or bottle. Store it in the refrigerator.

Simple syrup recipe, recipe for simple syrup, old fashioned recipe, Homemade Sweetener, cake syrup, sugar syrup

How to Use Simple Syrup for Cakes

Using simple syrup on cakes is a pretty straightforward process:

  • While baking my cake layers, I prepare my simple syrup.

  • After the cakes have cooled, I use a pastry brush to gently brush a thin layer of the syrup onto my cakes (you can also use a squeeze bottle).

  • I allow the syrup to be absorbed before proceeding with assembling or frosting my cake.

Simple syrup recipe, recipe for simple syrup, old fashioned recipe, Homemade Sweetener, cake syrup, sugar syrup

Why Use Simple Syrup on Cakes and Other Baked Goods?

This mixture of sugar and water plays a crucial role in adding moisture, enhancing flavor, and helping to prevent dryness. Let's dive into why simple syrup is used in baking.

Moisture Retention: One of the main reasons bakers use simple syrup is its exceptional ability to retain moisture.

  • Cakes, particularly sponge cakes or those with delicate textures, are susceptible to drying out during the baking process.

  • When you brush a layer of simple syrup onto the cake layers before assembling or after baking, it helps lock in moisture, keeping the cake soft and tender.

  • This is particularly beneficial if you're working on multi-layered cakes that might spend some time in the fridge before serving.

Flavor Infusion: Simple syrup isn't just about moisture; it's also an excellent way to infuse more flavor into your sweets.

  • By infusing your simple syrup with flavorings such as vanilla, fruit purees, extracts, or citrus zest, you can add an additional layer of taste to your baked goods.

  • The syrup's liquid form allows it to spread evenly across the cake, ensuring each bite is infused with flavor!

Reviving Stale Baked Goods: Simple syrup isn't just useful during the baking process; it can also come to the rescue of baked goods that have lost their initial freshness!

  • If you find yourself with slightly dry cupcakes, muffins, or slices of cake, a light brushing of simple syrup can work wonders.

  • The syrup's moisture content is absorbed by the baked goods, effectively revitalizing them and bringing back their original texture.

Simple syrup recipe, recipe for simple syrup, old fashioned recipe, Homemade Sweetener, cake syrup, sugar syrup

Cocktail Creativity:

  • Mixologists, take note! Homemade simple syrup is a fantastic base for crafting unique cocktails.

  • Experiment with fruit purees, citrus, herbs, and spirits to create signature drinks.

how to make simple syrup

How Long Does Homemade Simple Syrup Last?

  • When stored properly in the refrigerator, your homemade simple syrup can last up to 1 to 2 months.

  • However, it's essential to keep an eye out for any signs of spoilage, such as mold or an off smell.

  • If you notice anything unusual, it's best to discard the syrup.

Sugar Substitutions:

Feel free to experiment with different sweeteners, such as:

  • honey

  • agave nectar

  • maple syrup, to create unique flavor profiles.

  • Keep in mind that these substitutions might alter the taste slightly, so adjust the quantities to your preference.


Tips & Tricks:

  • Quick Cooling: Place the saucepan in an ice bath to speed up the cooling process if you're in a hurry to use your syrup.

  • Flavor Infusions: Elevate your simple syrup by infusing it with extracts, fruit purees, herbs (mint, basil, lavender), spices (cinnamon, star anise), or citrus zest during the simmering process. Just be sure to strain out the solids before storing them.

  • Ratio Adjustments: Depending on your desired sweetness level, you can adjust the sugar-to-water ratio. For a richer syrup, use a 2:1 ratio (2 cups sugar to 1 cup water).

Simple syrup recipe, recipe for simple syrup, old fashioned recipe, Homemade Sweetener, cake syrup, sugar syrup

Super Easy Simple Syrup Hacks:

  • Squeeze a small amount of lemon juice to your simple syrup mixture while it’s simmering on the stove. The acid from the lemon juice helps to inhibit the formation of crystals, leaving you with a silky-smooth syrup.

  • Add a small amount of corn syrup to your simple syrup mixture. Corn syrup is known for its ability to prevent sugar from crystallizing, so adding just a splash of it to your syrup can make all the difference. This hack is especially helpful when making flavored simple syrups, as it won't affect the taste or consistency of your final product.

  • If you happen to find yourself with crystallized simple syrup, don't worry, there's still a way to salvage it. Simply place the crystallized syrup back on the stove and add a small amount of water. Gently heat the mixture until the crystals dissolve, and you'll be left with a smooth syrup once again. This hack works like a charm and will save you from having to throw away your precious syrup.

Simple syrup recipe, recipe for simple syrup, old fashioned recipe, Homemade Sweetener, cake syrup, sugar syrup

Simple syrup stands out as a prime example of how a few basic ingredients can transform something from dull into flavorful. So, stop spending money on store-bought simple syrup, full of preservatives, and say hello to making your own with this easy recipe! Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter for more tantalizing recipes and updates!

-Stay Sweet, Xoxo Chyna B

The Easiest Simple Syrup Recipe You'll Ever Find

The Easiest Simple Syrup Recipe You'll Ever Find

Yield: 10-20
Author: Chyna B
Cook time: 10 MinInactive time: 20 MinTotal time: 30 Min
Enhance your desserts, cocktails and more with this super easy recipe for simple syrup!
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  1. In a saucepan, combine the granulated sugar and water.
  2. Place the saucepan over medium heat and stir until the sugar is fully dissolved. This should take about 5 minutes.
  3. Once the sugar is dissolved, reduce the heat to low and let the mixture simmer for an additional 5 minutes. This helps create a smooth consistency.
  4. Remove the saucepan from heat and let the syrup cool completely.
  5. Transfer the cooled simple syrup into an airtight container or bottle. Store it in the refrigerator.


  • The simple syrup recipe yields approximately 1 1/4 cups of simple syrup.
  • However, the number of servings will depend on how the syrup is used and how much is used per serving.
  • As a rough guideline, if you're using the simple syrup to moisten cakes or enhance beverages, such as cocktails or iced tea, you might use around 1-2 tablespoons per serving. With this estimation, you could get around 10 to 20 servings from the given recipe.

Nutrition Facts




0.06 g

Sat. Fat

0 g


19.92 g


0 g

Net carbs

19.92 g


19.96 g


0 g


1.38 mg


0 mg

Any nutritional information on should only be used as a general guideline as this information is provided as a courtesy and is an estimate only. 

Simple Syrup, Homemade Sweetener, Easy Recipe, DIY, Substitutions, Tips and Tricks
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Chyna B

Hi, I’m Chyna B, a baker, blogger, and digital creator. My goal is to spread love through the creation of food, and I want to inspire you to do the same. Thank you for joining me, and let's make every moment in the kitchen a truly memorable one!

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